The Church of the Good Shepherd Cherry Hill


4:30 pm - 6:00 pm


Mondays &  Wednesdays
(Weekly Sign-up Form)


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(Zoom Link)


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


5:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Welcome to The Church of the Good Shepherd Cherry Hill (TCGSCH), a vibrant haven where individuals come together to connect, explore the teachings of Jesus, participate in a thriving community, and extend a warm welcome to all. At TCGSCH, we are committed to fostering genuine fellowship, uncovering and utilizing individual gifts for the glory of God. Experience authentic community, discover your unique talents, and join us for our enriching weekly services!


Darius Nable

Senior Pastor
Reverend Darius Nable graduated in 1986 from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines, with a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. Before committing himself to a full-time ministry in August of 2011, he worked for Virtua Hospital in Voorhees, NJ for 21 years. In 2007, he graduated from Liberty University with a Master of Arts in Religion, majoring in Church Ministry. In 2008, Pastor Darius was ordained into Pastoral office before God and the congregation. He is also serving on the board of trustees for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 2019.  As church members often say, Pastor Darius has a big heart for the Lord Jesus, his family, the church, and the lost.

Pastor Darius has been married for more than 32 years to Maria Carmencita "Ching" Malonzo, who is a helpmeet to pastor assisting him in various ministries. She supports her husband in the ministry through supervising the Christian Education Ministry and assisting in WMU. 

Todd Camba

Youth Pastor
Pastor Todd Camba graduated in 2015 from Cairn University with a Bachelor of Science in Bible and Social Services. In 2022, he was officially ordained as a minister. He and his wife Aia Nable Camba, eldest daughter of Pastor Darius, have enjoyed five years of marriage. Together they have two children, Theo and Thad. 

Joseph Malott

Children's Pastor
Joseph Malott attended Liberty University and studied theology. In 2017, he married Darielle Nable Malott, the youngest daughter of Pastor Darius. Together they have three children, Henry, Evelyn and Wesley. 

A Grateful Heart

Ever since I yielded to His calling, it has been nothing short of an extraordinary journey. There were moments when the lure of returning to my hospital job was tempting—especially with the offers and signing bonuses—but the deeper joy of serving Him has always outweighed any worldly reward.

The support of my TCGSCH family has been a humbling reminder of His faithfulness. The blessing of having my lifetime partner and help meet by my side, standing strong together through every challenge, has brought profound fulfillment. And what greater joy could there be than witnessing our children walking in truth? As John wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).

Today, Ching and I count ourselves doubly blessed, surrounded by the laughter and love of our 11 grandchildren—a crown to our lives (Proverbs 17:6). We look forward with eager hearts, praying for the day when we will see them serving the Lord with their whole hearts. That will indeed be joy multiplied—a glimpse of His promises fulfilled.

To Him be all the glory, now and always.

- Pastor Darius Nable

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