The Church of the Good Shepherd Cherry Hill

Constitution and By-Laws Constitution and By-Laws Of  The Church Of The Good Shepherd Cherry Hill

This Constitution was amended by the membership of this church at a special business meeting duly called and held on March 18, 2012 at the principal place of worship, 299 Browning Lane, Cherry Hill NJ 08034. This amendment added Article X - DISSOLUTION CLAUSE and renumbered the Constitution and By-Laws of TCGSCH.

We, The Church of the Good Shepherd Cherry Hill (TCGSCH), trusting and submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, with the guidance and empowering of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to God’s Word, bind ourselves to live in holiness, to minister and serve each other holistically, and to build up one another in love through corporate worship, fellowship, training, service and evangelism.

This body, organized into a sovereign Church on the __(date)________ shall be known as The Church Of The Good Shepherd Cherry Hill With business address located at _____(address)____.

The primary purposes of this Church are:
1. To glorify and establish true worship of the living God as one body of believers in Christ.
2. To equip members to grow and mature in Christian faith by understanding and applying the scriptures. To train and develop members to become good stewards of their time, talents and treasures.
3. To teach and preach the gospel of Christ by being a living witness within and outside the community so they may come to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
4. To minister to physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters and to others whom we are reaching out.
5. To support or provide assistance to mission points/works, locally or overseas, and eventually help them to establish their own church.

SECTION 1 – Doctrinal Statement

We affirm the Holy Bible, free from error and cannot be altered inspired word of God, as the sole basis and source of our belief. This Church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the true Christian faith in accordance with the Southern Baptist Convention, USA.

SECTION 2 – Church Covenant
Having received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and having been baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we solemnly enter to a covenant with the Church that:
a. We will seek to live a holy life.
b. We will aspire to maintain good relationship with our brothers and sisters.
c. We will commit ourselves to have a regular and continuous fellowship with one another through worship, prayer meeting and Bible studies.
d. We will commit ourselves to have family and personal devotions.
e. We will be an instrument for the salvation of our immediate families, relatives and friends.

SECTION 3 – Ministry Statement
As God’s people we should trust and obey the Word of God through the Holy Spirit to follow the great commission by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as stated in Matt. 28: 19-20. And to live the great commandment as stated in Matthew 22:34-41, Mark 12:28-34 and Luke 10:25-28.

Section 4 - Statement on Marriage and Gender
We believe that God created marriage to be exclusively between one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity should be exclusively within that union. Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4-6; Rom. 1:26-27; Lev. 18:19-30
We believe that God wonderfully and immutably created each person, male or female, and that these two distinct and divinely representative genders together reflect the image and nature of God.(Gen. 1:26,27)  We believe that the fullest, most rewarding experience of life includes the acceptance of a person’s God-given biological gender.

Section 5 - Our Faith Based Policy
We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of our church as the local community, it is imperative that all ministers , pastors , leaders and members of this church or any volunteer or staff serving in any capacity shall agree to and abide by this Statement on Marriage and Gender (Matthew 5:16; Philippians 2:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Applicants for a wedding performed by church staff:
1. Applicants wishing to have a ceremony performed by a Pastor / Minister of the church shall affirm this Statement on Marriage and Gender and shall conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent therewith.
2. Applicants shall participate in premarital counseling by the Pastor / Minister employed by this church or other persons who, in the sole opinion of the Senior Pastor of the church have the appropriate training, experience, and spiritual understanding to provide such counseling.

Use of Facilities:
1. Any marriage performed on church premises shall be officiated by an ordained or duly licensed minister. Any official not employed by this church shall serve at the discretion of the Senior Pastor.
2. Ministers / Pastors officiating marriage ceremonies on church premises, whether or not employed by the church, shall affirm their agreement with this Statement on
Marriage and Gender adopted by this church and conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent therewith.
3. Ministers / Pastors assigned by the church to implement the procedures contained in this
policy may, in his discretion, decline to provide church facilities for, and/or decline to officiate at a ceremony when in his judgment, there are significant concerns that one or both of the applicants may not be qualified to enter into the sacred bond of marriage for theological, doctrinal, moral or legal reason

SECTION 1 – Church Structure

The church is composed of the body of believers who are listed on its roll of members. The church recognizes and cooperates with other evangelical associations and conventions. This church closely cooperates with the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania and South Jersey Baptist Association.

SECTION 2 – Congregation
The congregation is those members of TCGSCH. The congregation has the right to approve or disapprove the matters of the church as follows:
1. Elect the following:
- (3) Trustees
- (2) Auditors
- (2) Secretaries
- (2) Treasurers
2. It shall approve any revisions, amendments or changes to the articles of incorporation or the constitution and by-laws by the present majority vote.
3. It shall approve the recommendations for changes of service of elected officers.
4. It shall approve the annual budget that the church council may recommend.
5. It shall approve the financial report of the church.
6. It shall approve the sale, loan of any church property.
7. It shall approve the plan and programs of the church.

SECTION 3 – Church Council
The church council will be composed of the Pastor, Deacons, Elected church officers and representatives of each ministry. They will elect among themselves the head of the church council.

SECTION 1 – Qualification

Any person who has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior may offer himself/herself to be a member of this church.

SECTION 2 – Admission
Any prospective person or families who desire to be part of the church shall:
1. Give his/her voluntary intention to be a member of the church or in case of transfer shall give a letter of transfer from previous membership.
2. Sit down with deacons for orientation, confirmation and affirmation.
3. Be baptized by immersion (Acts 8:36) or in the process of completing the baptismal class.
4. By restoration after disciplinary action has been served or completed, the 2/3 votes of members present shall be required in the admission or readmission of members.

SECTION 3 – Orientation
New members shall be expected to participate in the church’s orientation program of doctrinal class and other programs as deemed necessary.

SECTION 4 – Duties and Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of every member to be faithful in all duties essential to Christian life:
1. Should be regular in attendance in the services of the church.
2. Should regularly support the church and its various ministries.
3. Should love its leaders and members.
4. Should participate in all elections and all questions submitted to the church.
5. Should uphold the church’s constitution and by-laws.
6. Should be involved in the ministry of the church according to his spiritual gifts and talents.

SECTION 5 – Rights of Members
1. Every member shall have the right to vote on any issue at any given election. There is no provision for absentee voting.
2. Every member shall have the right to examine church records including financial records.
3. Every member shall have the right to inquire or question or seek the investigation of any church leader or member who causes damage to the church.

SECTION 6 – Termination
Membership shall be terminated in any of the following:
1. Death
2. Transfer to another church
3. Six months consecutive absences without valid reasons.
4. Expulsion by the church due to act unbecoming in matters of morality, money and motives.

SECTION 7- Discipline
Members shall be zealously guarded and protected. It is therefore the basic purpose for this fellowship body to emphasize upon its members that every reasonable measure shall be taken to assist any troubled member or leader. The Pastor and deacons shall be available for counsel and guidance. The attitude of members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment (Matt. 18:15-20). Any disciplinary measure deemed necessary shall be the act taken by the pastor and board of deacons be insufficient, the problem should be elevated to the church council for action and if necessary be elevated further to the congregation for final action.

SECTION 1 – Regular Worship Service

The church shall meet every Sunday for worship services, Sunday school and weekly prayer meetings. The Lord’s Supper shall be observed every 1st Sunday of the month.

SECTION 2 – Special Worship Service
Evangelistic services and other special worship services shall be undertaken to promote the church’s mission as determined by the church such as weddings, baptismal, dedications, funerals and thanksgiving.

SECTION 3 – Home Bible Studies
Every church member is encouraged to attend a weekly home bible study.

SECTION 4 – Regular Business Meeting
An annual church business meeting will be conducted in the 2nd Sunday of December of each year. The purpose of this meeting is to adopt the annual church budget and handle such other business as may be specified in the call or authorized by the church by-laws. The quarterly business meeting shall be held every 2nd Sunday of the months of January, April, July and October.

SECTION 5 – Special Business Meeting
Special business meetings may be called on the request by the following:
1. Pastor
2. Chairman of the Church Council
3. Boards of Deacons
4. Board of Trustees
5. Any of the standing committees

Such meeting may be held on any date and time to be announced by the church secretary. It
should be announced one week before except for extremely urgent matters.

SECTION 6 – Quorum
20% of the active roll of membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for any business meeting, except for any of the following, which requires 51% of the total membership:
a. Election of officers
b. Calling or termination of a pastor
c. Constitutional amendments
d. Annual business meeting
e. Church council meeting
f. Or any sensitive matter as determined by the church council

SECTION 7 – Minutes
The minutes of all meetings of the church shall be kept and carefully preserved by the church secretary as records of the business at such meetings. The minutes shall contain entries as may be required by law. It shall be kept in the church.

SECTION 8 – Rules of Procedure
In handling the business of the church, an informed procedure of open discussion will be used with every attempt made to maintain an open and courteous meeting leading to consensus and in accordance with the constitution and by-laws.

Jesus Christ is the head of His church. The body of His church shall be focused on seeking and obeying the word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

SECTION 1 – General Statement
The body is composed of all active church members. Active members ages 18 and above will participate in resolving sensitive matters.

SECTION 2 – The Deacon Body
A. Qualifications
1. Biblical Qualifications:
a. As described in 1 Tim. 3:8-13 (NIV), include the following characteristics: worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
b. As described in Acts 6:3 (NIV), they should be of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom, full of faith.
c. As described in Titus 1:5-9 (NIV), added to the above qualifications are non-rebel, not self-willed or stubborn and not quick-tempered, loves what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled and holds fast/abides to God’s Word.
2. Church Qualifications:
The prospective deacons are the active and faithful church members of TCGSCH for at least 2 years.

B. Deaconship
1. Every year, the existing deacons together with the resident pastor will meet to discuss the prospective deacon.
2. The resident pastor will sit down with the prospective deacon about deaconship.
3. The prospective deacon shall sense a call by the Holy Spirit. When such a call is evident, it should be evident to the prospective deacon so called.
4. In December, prior to election, an altar call for prospective deacon(s) will be extended.
5. Their response to the call confirms their acceptance to God’s calling.

C. Duties and Responsibilities
In accordance with the meaning of the Word of God and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. Functions include but are not limited to:
1. They shall establish and maintain personal Christian relationship with a spiritual oversight of the members of the church such as:
a. Encourage members to live in accordance with Christian principles.
b. Enlist members to full participation in regular Sunday worship, Bible studies, prayer meetings and other church-related activities.
2. As the Holy Spirit may direct and in counsel with the Pastor, they shall guide and advise in matters of discipline in the church, endeavoring to keep the name of the church beyond reproach in the community.
3. They shall assist the Pastor in handling church ministries and ordinances such as the Lord’s Supper, child dedication, baptism, weddings, funerals, welcoming of visitors, leading of worship services, prayer meetings, discipleship, and Bible studies.
4. They shall assist the Pastor in dealing with all those who present themselves for membership and interview prospective members for recommendation to the church at a regular business meeting.
5. They shall provide assistance toward those who are sick or materially in need, assist the Pastor in administering social concerns of members who need assistance especially in times of crisis and calamities.
6. They shall visit members, pray, guide and give them counsel to anyone who may be weakening in the faith and those who are not following the precepts of the Scripture and the By-Laws of the church. They shall also visit members who have been absent for four consecutive Sundays for unknown reasons.
7. They shall encourage members to participate in ministries according to their gifts and talents.
8. They shall recommend pastoral compensation and mission support.
9. From time to time, they may be requested to preach.
10. In the event of pastoral vacancy, they shall serve as members of the pulpit committee.
11. They shall act as the Nominating/Election Committee.

D. Terms of Service
The Deacon shall serve without term. However, he may be removed from service by his own resignation or by action of the church due to violations of Biblical qualifications.

SECTION 3 – The Pastor
The Pastor is the spiritual leader of this church. As such, he will lead the congregation and the staff, supervising directly or indirectly the activities of the church, towards the fulfillment of the purposes of the church. His calling to serve as Pastor is the church’s acknowledgement of his authorization to serve this local assembly of Christians. The Pastor is the chief teaching elder of this church, giving considerable time to prayer and to the ministry of the Word of God (Acts 6:4).

A. Biblical Qualifications
The Pastor must meet the biblical qualifications as given in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. He must have a definite, specific call to the ministry of Pastor (Eph. 4:11), be ordained to the ministry (Rom. 10:15), and have an adequate preparation (2 Tim. 2:15).

B. Duties
At the time of his call, he shall be in complete accord with the doctrines of this church and must become a member of this church upon acceptance of the call. He shall abide by the scriptural requirements set forth in 1 Tim. 3:1-7. The duties of the Pastor shall be to preach the gospel regularly, administer the ordinances, supervise the teaching ministry of the church, tenderly watch over the members and spiritual interest, organize and develop its strength for the best possible service, serve as ex-officio member of all committees and boards except the pulpit committee, extend the hand of fellowship to all new members on behalf of the church and perform such duties as may be arranged between the Board of Deacons and/or Board of Trustees and himself.

C. Appointment
In the event of vacancy, the pulpit committee shall seek out a candidate for the office of the Pastor. The Pastor shall be confirmed by 51% majority vote of the active members at a special business meeting called for this purpose.

D. Term of Service
The Pastor shall serve without term. However, he may be removed from office by his own resignation, or by action of the church, a 51% majority vote of the active members of the church at a special business meeting called for this purpose. In either case, thirty days written notice must be given prior to the date of termination, unless by mutual consent between the Pastor and the
church, or there is some scriptural reason the Pastor should be relieved immediately.

SECTION 4 – Major Ministries
The major ministries are: Ministry of Word, Ministry of Worship, Ministry of Witness and Ministry of Work. Each major ministry is under the advisory by Deacon(s). Each church member is
encouraged to be part of a major ministry according to his/her God-given gifts.

A. Ministry of Word
The Chairperson shall seek to coordinate the works of the Sunday School Department, the Christian Training Center, Cradle Roll, Children and Youth Ministry, Women Missionary Unit/Baptist Men, Daily Vacation Bible School, Home Bible Studies or any other related ministry through their officers/coordinators.

B. Ministry of Worship
The Ministry of Worship shall seek to ascribe to God His true worth through creative and meaningful worship celebration. It shall make the church cultivate the art of worship, cultivate the art of prayer and enhance the use of music in worship services, prayer meetings and other fellowships.

C. Ministry of Witness
The ministry shall seek to reach the lost souls in sharing the gospel of salvation through evangelistic promotions, film-showings, concerts, crusades, missions, visitations and other related means.

D. Ministry of Work
The ministry shall serve different needs of the church through activities/projects and shall coordinate with other ministries in attaining the overall goal of the church such as social concern programs, medical team, coffee/kitchen ministry, homebuilders, camps/retreats, sports fests, anniversaries, church interrelated fellowship and other related ministries.

SECTION 5 – Committees
A special committee shall be designated by the church council as the need arises. This includes the Nominating/Election Committee (headed by the Deacons) and Ad Hoc Committee.

SECTION 6 – Church Officers
Election of Church Officers shall be undertaken by the Church body under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is recognized both by the inward conviction of the individual involved, and by the approval of the congregation after observing the possession of those gifts and grace required by the Scripture for the office concerned. The elected church officers shall be the Board of Trustees, Treasurer, Secretary, and Auditor.

A. Election of Church Officers:
1. Nomination shall be made by the General Assembly in writing.
2. The Nominating Committee shall screen and interview the nominees chosen by itself and by the General Assembly before presenting them to the congregation as official candidates.
3. Nominations shall be done or held on the last Sunday of October and elections on the last Sunday of November of the year concerned/scheduled.
4. After the names of official candidates have been officially announced, the scriptural qualifications for the given office will be read to the congregation; and any item regarding those qualifications will be freely discussed (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1).
5. The Election Committee shall oversee the procedures of the election.
6. Following the final recognition of Church officials, there shall be a portion of a regular worship service set aside at which time they shall be formally set apart for their responsibilities by the prayer of the whole Church and the laying of hands of the existing officials.

B. Qualifications
1. The Church Officers must have an evidence of a growing maturity in the personal, domestic and ministered qualifications set forth for these offices in 1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9 and Acts 6:3-6.
2. The minimum age requirement for a Church Officer shall be 25 years old. He/she shall also have been a faithful regular member of TCGS(V) for a minimum period of one year.
3. Anyone called to these offices must be able to affirm conscientiously his/her agreement with the Doctrinal Statement, Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of this church. Should he/she at any time diverge from this position, he/she is under spiritual and moral obligation to make this known to the Church Council.

C. Board of Trustees
1. They shall recommend to the Church Council and General Assembly financial matters for the support of the ministry and other current expenses of the Church, incurring obligations, making loans, sales and purchases or any form of indebtedness, giving notes and securities, they shall meet periodically to consider the Church’s general financial condition.
2. They shall serve as representatives in all Church’s legal transactions and shall be in-charge of all reportorial requirements of government agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
3. They shall hold certificates of ownership of all Church’s properties, documents on loans, insurances and others which should be kept in a safe deposit box with copies filed in the Church office for ready reference.
4. They shall conduct a periodic inventory and inspection of all Church’s properties and shall recommend to the Church Council and General Assembly for its purchase, maintenance, repairs and remodeling as limited by the annual budget. Recommend development, plans and projects for major construction of building infrastructure.
5. They shall receive from the church collector, count and make completed duplicate record of all Church collections, monthly or quarterly as the case maybe for safekeeping and reserve the duplicate for the auditor.
6. They shall coordinate with the different heads of Church’s ministries to determine the Church’s financial needs and shall prepare the proposed annual budget to be presented to the Annual Meeting of the Church Council and General Assembly for approval.
7. They shall manage the Church’s accounts, including that of other missions or ministries with separate bank accounts properly handled at the end of each fiscal year, upon any change of Treasurer, and at such other times as the Church may direct.
8. They shall look after the welfare of the church body including the workers, staff and volunteers.
9. They shall manage and allocate the budget approved by the General Assembly according to the purpose for which such fund is allotted and to make proper accounting and report of such funds disbursed and used.

D. Secretary & Assistant Secretary (candidate who had the 2nd highest vote)
1. He/she shall take the minutes of the meetings of the Church Council and the General Assembly.
2. He/she shall keep the book of the minutes, resolutions approved by the Board of Trustees, Church Council and the General Assembly.
3. He/she shall maintain a continuing registry of all members, officers, board and committee members, members of standing committees and other officials.
4. He/she shall act as custodian of all records, corporate seal, logo, documents, minutes and all communications/papers made and executed in the name of the church.
5. He/she shall certify all records and stamp the church seal with the approval of the Church Council and Board of Trustees.

E. Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer (candidate who had the 2nd highest vote)
1. He/she shall act as custodian of all funds and assets of the church.
2. He/she shall collect, receive and issue the corresponding official receipts of all funds, money, fees and contributions due to the church.
3. He/she shall see to it that all disbursements of funds be made through a systematic voucher/payroll system duly supported by pertinent documents and properly signed or acknowledged by officials and payees concerned.
4. He/she shall submit the proper financial reports to the Board of Trustees, the General Assembly or the Church Council.
5. He/she shall keep all record/book, accounts, financial statements/funds and make them always available for inspection and examination by the Auditor, Board of Trustees, Church Council and members of the General Assembly.
6. He/she shall deposit funds of the Church in reputable depository banks and a systematic or proper withdrawal of such funds approved by the Board of Trustees and Church Council through a resolution made for that purpose.

F. Auditor & Assistant Auditor (candidate who had the 2nd  highest vote)
1. He/she shall conduct a regular or periodic audit of all funds and assets or properties of the Church, inspect and examine all books of accounts, financial statements and other financial records and report his/her findings to the Board of Trustees, the Church Council and the General Assembly.
2. He/she shall make recommendations or propose measures as to the proper use or handling of such funds/assets/properties of the Church to the Board of Trustees, Church Council and General Assembly.
3. He/she shall make audit report during the annual General Assembly meeting called for the purpose.

G. Election and Term of Office
Each Church officer is elected by majority vote of the regular members present during the designated election Sunday. Each one shall serve a term of two years with reelection.

SECTION 8 – Removal of a Church Council member and a Church Officer
A. Any member of the Church Council and Officer of the Church may be removed from office by his/her resignation.

B. Any member of the Church Council and Officer of the Church who habitually and intentionally ignores and violates Church rules may be removed from the Church Council and his/her position be filled/taken over by the assistant an example of which are the following:
1. Culpable or gross violation of the By-Laws, policies and rules and regulations promulgated by the Church Council and/or the General Assembly duly proven by a committee created or formed for the purpose.
2. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or proven commission of immoral act like adultery, concubinage, fornication, lesbianism, homosexuality, incestuous relationship or similar act prohibited by the Word of God and by the law.
3. Misappropriation or mishandling of funds duly proven by a committee created or formed for the purpose.
4. Causing serious intrigues, divisions and personal conflicts thereby affecting the unity of the body of Christ. Conflicts on doctrinal matters shall be dealt with by the Pastor, Board of Deacons, and the Church Council and the decision of such bodies shall be final.
5. Grave misconduct unbecoming of a Church Council or Church Officer.

C. Procedure for Removal
1. The Church Council shall undertake any complaint(s).
2. The Church Council shall study, investigate, evaluate said complaint and make written recommendation for action to the General Assembly.
3. The General Assembly shall discuss and act on the matter.

The bank accounts and records of the Church are always open for review to any church member with valid reasons. The said bank accounts and records of the church may be inspected during business days.

The will of the Church on any given matter shall be duly expressed by its vote after prayerful deliberation based on Biblical truth.

In the event that the church should make a decision to dissolve, provision shall be made by vote of the church, previous to the dissolution, after paying or adequately providing for payment of all debts, obligations, and liabilities of the church, assign all the remaining assets to one or more Baptist church/es, or organization/s formed and operated exclusively for religious purposes such as, missions or associations as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the trustees shall determine. No part of the net income or assets of TCGSCH shall ever inure to the benefit of any deacon, officer, or member of this church or to the benefit of any private individual. Assets may be distributed only to organizations that agree with the Church’s Statement of Faith.

In case there is a need to amend any article in the constitution, the Church Council can make proposal to change the constitution which must be presented to the Church in writing at a business meeting not less than one month before such proposal is acted upon. The proposed amendment shall be read at a regular service on the two successive Sundays immediately preceding action at a business meeting. A 51% affirmative vote of the regular active members present shall be necessary to amend.

Effectivity Clause:
This constitution and by-laws shall take effect immediately upon approval of the General Assembly.